Professional work has always been a game of skills, regardless of the classification of your occupation. Whether you’re a white- or a blue-collar worker, you need to possess and demonstrate skills that can help you complete your tasks.
Read more‘Thank You’ are some of the first words we are taught as children. Growing up, most of us were taught to say thank you as a common courtesy for when somebody gives us something, does a favor for us or helps us in some way. Others learn to give thanks for daily blessings like saying grace before dinner and thanking God before bedtime. Gratefulness, however, isn’t just a matter of speaking words, it comes with an attitude towards life and the things we possess.
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Here are some of the benefits of being grateful-
Last month I launched my 2015 Reader Survey. This was the first time I decided to create a reader survey for my blog and I am so glad I did it.
Let me just start of by saying THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey.[featured-image size=”featured” single_newwindow=”true”]
This survey has helped me create a “reader profile” (it’s really the demographics of “most” of my readers). Now, by all means, this profile is not every reader but just how a typical reader might identify. Here are the results of the survey: Read more
What I Learned From My 1st Reader Survey & How You Can Apply It
Should have done it sooner. With a lot of things I try on my blog or in my business, I should have done them sooner. Whether if they work out or not, it is always good to try and just start. Is there something that you should just start?
Ignore the fears and voices in your head. When I thought about doing a reader survey, that inner voice kept telling me, “You don’t have thousands of readers like [insert name of big time bloggers here].
Know your audience. In anything you do, whether it is a blog, presentation, meeting, etc. you need to know your audience. I have been blogging all this time thinking my audience was made up of people like…[insert loud game show buzzer sound here] WRONG!
I shouldn’t have waited so long.
I want to make my blog even better and more relevant to you, my reader. To better serve you I need to know a little more about you. So I’ve created my 2015 Readers Survey. It is 10 questions long and takes less than 5 minutes.
I know your time is valuable and there are a lot of things vying for it. That is why this survey is short and to the point. I put this survey together to help me help you.
The survey is completely anonymous and the results will help to create blog posts and content FOR YOU.
[button href=”” primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Sure, I’m happy to help. Take me to the survey.[/button]
Thanks for your help in advance. It means the world to me.
Like many people at the end of every year I take time to review and reflect upon the year. I do this with each area of my life including my blog.
My Blogs Year in Review
This year my blog saw continued growth. The total number of new posts between 2013 and 2014 nearly doubled. The number of page views more than double growing by 148%. I believe there is a direct correlation between the two. So for 2015 expect even more blog posts.
Here are my top 5 most popular posts in 2014: Read more
Trust is one of the most important commodities that we have. You can’t see it but it is there. Trust aids in building quality relationships and teams. The more trust there is between people or employees and organizations more can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time.
Merriam-Webster define trust as the “belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.”
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Photo Credit: Steve Corey via Compfight cc; Modified by Chris Mullen[/featured-image]
Here are some of my favorite quotes on trust to inspire you to continue to build trust with others. Read more
[guestpost]This is a guest post by Amy Collinsworth who works at Boston University as the Student Outreach Manager for the Center for Career Development and the Educational Resource Center. She holds a bachelor of arts in marketing from Rockford University and a master of science in college student personnel from the University of Tennessee. Amy’s professional background includes working in MBA career management and undergraduate student leadership development. You can connect with her at @AmyCollinsworth[/guestpost]
“Today we will drive to the parking lot at your school, and by using the tool we learned about in the Tony Robbins recording*, you will make the basketball into the basket on your first shot!” dad said. I was not sure what to expect as we drove to the parking lot at Thompson Elementary that breezy spring afternoon, but I was certain my petite 4-foot-tall frame and poor hand-eye coordination would be my down-fall in making the basket. I got out of the car and walked to the hoop, carefully positioning myself a few feet in front of the hoop on the center of the faded white spray painted line.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
Currently, I am attending the 2012 Association of Intermountain Housing Officers (AIMHO) Annual Conference in Billings, Montana. My personal belief is if you are going to take the time to attend a conference, you should also take the time submit a program session proposal. Well, I did just that and am presenting a few program sessions at the conference. Read more
Currently, I am attending the 2012 Association of Intermountain Housing Officers (AIMHO) Annual Conference in Billings, Montana. My personal belief is if you are going to take the time to attend a conference, you should also take the time submit a program session proposal. Well, I did just that and am presenting a few program sessions at the conference.
With that being said I am going to use my blog to post a recap a my program sessions with helpful materials. Here is one of the other sessions I presented: 13 Months to Train a Resident Assistant.
Thank You’s
One session, Recognition on a Shoestring Budget, I co-presented with Ebonie Carter from Sante Fe University. This presentation would not be possible without her and I thank her for her time as we met weekly for a couple of months to develop this program. It was a pleasure working with her. Also, Ebonie and I need to thank Jen O’Brien from Arizona State University – Tempe for helping with the initial submission of this program.
Helpful Documents
Recognition on a Shoestring Budget Presentation, Recognition on a Shoestring Budget PowerPoint, Recognition on a Shoestring Budget Toolkit, Building Your Toolkit, Employee Recognition Survey, Recognition Meter Activity, Awards and Recognition Staff Survey, Awards and Recognition Student Staff Survey
Keep the conversation going and leave a comment about how you recognize others.