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We are living in an age where the advancement of technology has resulted in an ever-changing job environment and technological automation is causing job loss. To excel, one needs to strive to become a lifelong dynamic learner to acquire skills of the future to stay relevant and keep thriving. Those who stop learning and give up on skill development might not be able to survive the technological revolution.

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There are times when I have felt disheveled, out of place. or just unorganized. It could also be described as just feeling off-balance. Whatever it is or whatever you want to call it, spending some time collecting my thoughts usually helps.

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During the end of a calendar year and at the beginning of a new one, I am frequently asked if I set goals and what does that look like? Well, it is not as simple as JUST setting goals for the year. For me, there is a lot more that goes into ending a year and beginning a new one. I believe it is about intentionality. I like to be deliberate in how I end and start a year. Why? Well, it gives me clarity and a vision forward…a path if you will.

So I thought it would be helpful to share the process I use for myself and my coaching clients. This way others can adopt it or at the very least use it as a guide to start their own practices. It really has worked well for me.  Over the last few years, I have set myself up for success with these steps.  In fact, each of my last 4 years has been better than the last and this has not happened by chance. When I look back I have been blown away by the goals I completed and how my life has changed in so many areas. To be honest, I didn’t complete every goal that I set each of these years (and that is okay).

Over the years I’ve tried different ways and I recognize that each individual is their own person and has their own way of doing things. So you’ll need to tweak this for yourself. Just use the following steps as a guide to help.

Each of the below steps is (or will be) its own blog post. Just click on the hyperlink and a new window will open.

#1 Reflect. We can’t look forward unless you take some time to look where you’ve come from. So take some time and reflect on the year that is ending. Think about what went well, what you want to change, and what you should get rid of. Click here to read about how to reflect on the year. 

#2 Know the present you. Where are you now? What is your life like in all areas? To get a good snapshot of where you are, take the time to complete my Wheel of Life assessment. Make sure you complete the accompanying worksheet since it will give you a more in-depth look of where you are and where you want to go. Click here to read more about the Wheel of Life assessment (3 minute read).

#3 Set the tone for the coming year. Select a word to help define what you want this year to look like or it could be a word to help keep you grounded and on track. Many have done this for years.

#4 Set your goals. I use the S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goal method and I don’t set more than 5-7 goals at a time, otherwise, it could become unwieldy and overwhelming. If this is all new to you then I wouldn’t have more than 5 goals at any one time. And the goals you set should not be easy to achieve. They should push you outside your comfort zone and move your life forward in the direction you want it to go. Use the results from the Wheel of Life assessment to decide on what categories of your life you want to improve and also incorporate your word of the year. Click here to read more about all the details of SMARTER goals (4-minute read).

#5 Make the time. Now you need to set aside time to work on these goals because they won’t just accomplish themselves. Start with a calendar for the entire year and set milestones for each goal, then take that down to what needs to get done each month. What I also recommend is to set time each week just to move your goals forward. This will look different for each person but how much time do you think you need each week to work on your goals? Now find that time and put it on your calendar. What gets scheduled gets done.

#6 Review on a regular basis. I have found that a best practice is to schedule a quarterly review to go over your goals. I do this to make sure my goals still align with what I want. I also want to see where each goal is in the process. Here are a couple of the questions I ask myself: What are my obstacles? What can I do now to move the needle forward? In addition to the quarterly review, set a reoccurring calendar appointment for yourself to review your goals on a weekly basis. This will allow for you to determine what needs to get done each week and not forget about it.

Now, all of this might seem like a lot of work but I have found that it pays off in big dividends at the beginning and the end of each year. This process gives me the structure I need to set up my year for success.

[Tweet “This process gives me the structure I need to set up my year for success.”]

You can complete each step separately. It doesn’t all have to be done in one day – although it can be.

Trust the process and give it a try.

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Let me know what you think of this process and what questions you have.

I have noticed over the years that I have been more productive and more successful throughout the year when I have written down my goals. Writing down my goals gives me a blueprint for where I should be going and where I should be focusing my time for the year. It’s a way to set my priorities.

I hear from too many people that their goals are either too overwhelming or they have goals but they are in their head and not written down. Or goals just don’t work for them.

Setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals can increase the likelihood of completing what you have set out to accomplish. Goals should support growth and achievement and push you outside of your comfort zone.

[Tweet “Goals should support growth and achievement and push you outside of your comfort zone.”]

Here’s how to set S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals.

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Writing is a powerful practice. It has various effects including discovering ideas, defining goals, and solidifying steps. The act of writing means you have to organize your thoughts and this is the first key step in accomplishing any goal or dream.

A study done at Dominican University illustrated the difference between students who wrote down their goals and those who did not. Guess which group was more likely to reach their goals? You guessed it – the group who wrote them down. Read more

Since France passed a law in May giving employees the right to ignore work-related phone calls and emails outside of office hours, productivity and work-life balance are the new buzzwords du jour.

The news has sparked debates over whether or not our ability to be productive is too often measured in hours worked instead of the quality and relevance of our work. Smartphones have made it all too easy for us to remain “plugged in” at work even during our off hours. However, it’s been shown time and again that being able to have genuine off time is essential to maintain a healthy approach to both work and life.

In our obsessive quest for productivity, many of us cling to certain concepts that trick us into believing we’re being more productive when, in fact, we’re not.

Check out these common productivity myths and make sure you haven’t fallen prey to one of them:

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Multitasking was once touted as the productivity habit of champions. Answering phone calls while typing memos while scheduling meetings while Tweeting, “Liking” and posting may feel like you’re accomplishing many things all at once. You can do all your busy work along with the important tasks by balancing several devices and platforms at the same time. Multitasking seems like a natural evolution in response to the Information Age. Sure sounds like we’ve adapted to our busy lives.

Except that when you look at the actual results that multi-tasking produces, the picture starts to look pretty different.

In fact, there are studies that not only challenge the idea that multi-tasking is productive but suggest that it can be downright damaging not only to your productivity but to your neurons.

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Are you looking for ways to be more productive? You’re not alone. Pretty much anyone who has a goal finds productivity to be a challenge. Finishing a project, starting a business, making more money, writing a novel, getting in shape, having more time for your family all require you to make constructive use of your waking hours.

Even writer Victor Hugo had to trick himself into writing his great novels Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by asking his butler to hide his clothes so he couldn’t leave the house and was forced to stay home and write.

While this may not be an option for most of us (since we don’t have butlers and all!), there are ways in which we can enhance our productivity without resorting to such extremes.

Here are my top five favorite productivity hacks: Read more

I am constantly asked by friends and those I work with for productivity tips and tricks. The Pomodoro Technique is one of my favorite and most successful tips. Why? Because it is all about FOCUS.

I use the Pomodoro Technique on a daily basis to write blog posts, complete work projects, limit my time on email, and move my PhD work forward.

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I dare you to find a better leadership quote than the ones listed below.

Anyone who knows me, understands how much I love quotes and I love leadership. So why not a post on leadership quotes. Hopefully they will inspire you to be a better leader for yourself and those around you.  Read more