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Everyone should apply for at least one job a year. There are many reasons and benefits as to why. Searching now can help you find your dream job, keeps you sharp, and keeps your materials up-to-date. Check out my 5 Reasons Everyone Needs to Job Search This Year for more reasons.

Most people are not really looking for a job all the time, but when a job posting comes across your computer, you read through the details, and you start to think, “I would be great for this job.” You start to daydream about what it would be like to work at that institution, maybe to move to that city, and/or to have that additional income. Read more

Writing is a powerful practice. It has various effects including discovering ideas, defining goals, and solidifying steps. The act of writing means you have to organize your thoughts and this is the first key step in accomplishing any goal or dream.

A study done at Dominican University illustrated the difference between students who wrote down their goals and those who did not. Guess which group was more likely to reach their goals? You guessed it – the group who wrote them down. Read more

Since France passed a law in May giving employees the right to ignore work-related phone calls and emails outside of office hours, productivity and work-life balance are the new buzzwords du jour.

The news has sparked debates over whether or not our ability to be productive is too often measured in hours worked instead of the quality and relevance of our work. Smartphones have made it all too easy for us to remain “plugged in” at work even during our off hours. However, it’s been shown time and again that being able to have genuine off time is essential to maintain a healthy approach to both work and life.

In our obsessive quest for productivity, many of us cling to certain concepts that trick us into believing we’re being more productive when, in fact, we’re not.

Check out these common productivity myths and make sure you haven’t fallen prey to one of them:

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Multitasking was once touted as the productivity habit of champions. Answering phone calls while typing memos while scheduling meetings while Tweeting, “Liking” and posting may feel like you’re accomplishing many things all at once. You can do all your busy work along with the important tasks by balancing several devices and platforms at the same time. Multitasking seems like a natural evolution in response to the Information Age. Sure sounds like we’ve adapted to our busy lives.

Except that when you look at the actual results that multi-tasking produces, the picture starts to look pretty different.

In fact, there are studies that not only challenge the idea that multi-tasking is productive but suggest that it can be downright damaging not only to your productivity but to your neurons.

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Maybe you feel frustrated because you work hard but you don’t seem to reach the level of success you desire. Or perhaps you’ve hit a plateau and aren’t sure how to push through to the next phase of your project. Maybe productivity has become an issue and you’re just not sure what’s the best way to focus your time and energy.

In times like these, it can be helpful to seek advice from those who have made it to the top of their industry. What are they doing that you’re not?

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Take a look at some of these habits of successful people and see which ones you need to adopt: Read more

Whether you are a new college graduate or an experienced executive looking to get a job at a new company, the age old question of resume length will still be plaguing you.

How long is too long? What is the exact number of pages acceptable for resumes? These questions must be running through your mind right now.

Whether you just have so much to write about or the exact opposite, you will be able to decide the length of your resume after you read this guide.

If you might think this article will provide you with an exact number of pages or words, then you’re in for a disappointment. What this post is really all about is to help you find the right balance of content and length.

It would really depend on your situation, your employment level and on the company you are applying for.

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There are several rules out there about resume writing, some of them you definitely must not break, like lying on your resume, having typos or misspellings and providing negative information.

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Are you looking for ways to be more productive? You’re not alone. Pretty much anyone who has a goal finds productivity to be a challenge. Finishing a project, starting a business, making more money, writing a novel, getting in shape, having more time for your family all require you to make constructive use of your waking hours.

Even writer Victor Hugo had to trick himself into writing his great novels Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by asking his butler to hide his clothes so he couldn’t leave the house and was forced to stay home and write.

While this may not be an option for most of us (since we don’t have butlers and all!), there are ways in which we can enhance our productivity without resorting to such extremes.

Here are my top five favorite productivity hacks: Read more

‘Thank You’ are some of the first words we are taught as children. Growing up, most of us were taught to say thank you as a common courtesy for when somebody gives us something, does a favor for us or helps us in some way. Others learn to give thanks for daily blessings like saying grace before dinner and thanking God before bedtime. Gratefulness, however, isn’t just a matter of speaking words, it comes with an attitude towards life and the things we possess.

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Here are some of the benefits of being grateful-

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I am constantly asked by friends and those I work with for productivity tips and tricks. The Pomodoro Technique is one of my favorite and most successful tips. Why? Because it is all about FOCUS.

I use the Pomodoro Technique on a daily basis to write blog posts, complete work projects, limit my time on email, and move my PhD work forward.

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I dare you to find a better leadership quote than the ones listed below.

Anyone who knows me, understands how much I love quotes and I love leadership. So why not a post on leadership quotes. Hopefully they will inspire you to be a better leader for yourself and those around you.  Read more