5 Reminders from Playing in the Rain

There is no one I cannot teach something to, and no one I cannot learn something from.                                                                                         ~unknown source

This past weekend, Colorado received some much needed rain. The area has been in a draught and under a fire danger for 2 months now.

On Saturday, I spent a much needed day in the garage fixing, tweaking, hanging shelves and cleaning up. During that time the clouds started to roll in. It got dark quickly and the wind picked up tremendously. Then the sky opened up and the rain poured down.

Like many people would do, I gathered my tools from outside so they wouldn’t get wet. I brought my tools into the garage and began to shut the garage door to keep the rain out. At that time, I heard voices of little ones on the driveway and in the street.

My son, Noah and his friend were outside and never thought to stop playing street hockey. As I watched them it poured rain for next 20 minutes. And at one point the puck was floating away in a stream. They continued to play while the rain kept pouring down and down. Their attitudes where one of not a care in the world. It didn’t matter that they were soaking wet or that there was so much water the puck didn’t glide across the asphalt street. They just wanted to play!

Rain Party 2 by robysaltori

Rain Party 2, a photo by robysaltori on Flickr.

What you can learn from this story:

  1. You can have little moments of fun no matter what the circumstances
  2. You should find time everyday to play
  3. It’s not important what the weather is outside to have fun
  4. It’s doesn’t always matter what others think of you
  5. Be willing to enjoy the “rain storms” that come your way

How do you balance what people think of you and really being yourself and having fun?

Leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts.

2 replies
  1. EmilycomE
    EmilycomE says:

    Oh, Chris, that is such a good question! (And hard to answer.) I struggle with finding the line between being myself and being “professional” at work. I manage this struggle by working in an industry that embraces individuality (independent schools) and by getting down on the floor with my daughter several times each day. Kids have a way of really putting things into perspective. 🙂

    Glad to find your blog; good luck with this new venture! And congratulations on the growing family! Tell Sarah I said hi.

    • Chris Mullen
      Chris Mullen says:

      Thanks Emily for being the 1st to post on my blog! Your the best! I happen to agree with you that it is a struggle to be your authentic self all the time. Although I think it is important to get closer and closer to being geniune. I hope all is well with you.

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