Welcome to my Blog

Why start this blog?

I have been trying to find a way to communicate to others outside of conference presentations, emails and meetings. I want to engage and dialogue with people I wouldn’t normally meet or interact with. I believe we all have a lot to learn. I know I can learn something from everyone. I want my blog to be a platform of information that I can use and so can others to improve who they are.

Have you ever thought to yourself: What am I missing in life? Can I be a “better” person? Can I improve the relationships I am in? How do I further my career? Can I increase my productivity? – These are some of the questions I ask myself on a daily basis and to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t have all the answers. It is my hope that through my blog I will be able to gain clarity in my life through writing and interacting with others virtually.

What is my blog about?

My blog is about improving the lives of others and myself. No one is perfect and everyone can improve who they are. Whether it is improving your leadership ability, career, productivity, relationships, health or your personal life –  you can improve and so can I.

My goal is to provide practical knowledge around the areas of leadership, productivity, self-development and team building.

So I thought I would embark on this journey of writing a blog. I want to give to others what I have learned along the way. And in turn, I will learn something from others.

Feedback and interaction.

I encourage you to read my posts and  I want you to comment after each post to continue the discussion of the topic. I want to know your thoughts and opinions. You can also send me an email or comment at the end of each post. Don’t forget you can sign up for free email updates by entering your email address and clicking the submit button to the right of this and every page.


If you have a blog or don’t have one: Why would you start a blog? What would your blog be about?