What’s Does Your E-Reputation Say About You?

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Whether your looking for a new job or not your online reputation is vitally important. If you are looking for a new job, potential employers will be looking at who you are before they ever meet you. It is one of your 1st impressions (I wrote a blog post about your other 1st impression…your resume). If you are not looking for a new job,new relationships, connections, clients, and coworkers are are checking out who your are online. So make sure what is online about you represents what you want and not what someone else has put online.

The below infograph has some great information on what is an e-reputation, why online reputations matter, what employers are looking for, and what you can do about it. infography_personal_ereputationDo you care what your e-reputation says about you? If so, what do you do about it?