The Perks of Being Grateful

‘Thank You’ are some of the first words we are taught as children. Growing up, most of us were taught to say thank you as a common courtesy for when somebody gives us something, does a favor for us or helps us in some way. Others learn to give thanks for daily blessings like saying grace before dinner and thanking God before bedtime. Gratefulness, however, isn’t just a matter of speaking words, it comes with an attitude towards life and the things we possess.

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Here are some of the benefits of being grateful-

1. Gratitude is healthy

Science says that being grateful is good for you. Taking a little time away from any unpleasant or stressful situations triggers radical physiological changes. Several studies have proved that simple acts of gratitude are known to balance the rhythm of heart beats with the nervous system.

This not only has positive effects on the immunity system but also makes the heart healthy (Click Here for an NPR story on gratitude and the heart). There is a significant reduction in stress levels and anxiety that are known to add years to the skin. This keeps early signs of aging and any mental stressors at bay.

2. Being grateful makes you happy

Counting your blessings has a way of making you feel content with life. When you know there are people and things to be grateful for every day, you are less likely to let disappointments get to you. Adding the practice of listing the things you are thankful for to your daily routine will help generate a brighter outlook towards life in general.

Gratitude will also make you more friendly and pleasant. It encourages good social behaviour among friends and family. Additional reading from the  New York Times on gratefulness and happiness. Also here is a cool video about a gratitude from Soul Pancake about gratitude and the science of happiness:

And a 14 minute TED Talk by David Steindl-Rast titled: Want to be happy? Be grateful.

3. Gratefulness is linked with good performance at school and work

A grateful attitude does a lot to boost performance at school, college and work. It is associated with a higher GPA and academic as well as professional success. When you are in a positive frame of mind, your attitude automatically becomes conducive to succeeding at the tasks you set out to complete.

Also, organizations generally appreciate professionals who are less prone to focusing on the things they do not have and work with what they do possess. Here is a study on how counting your blessings will benefit yourself and your organization called Gratitude at Work.


Happiness, success and good health are all interconnected with being grateful. It is not just a way of displaying appreciation but also an attitude that keeps you grounded and humble, making you compassionate towards others. Gratitude will aid in the development of a positive attitude, your personality and could result in being more sympathetic and loving.

Do you practice gratitude? What benefits do you see or have you experienced? Let me know.